What was the filming name of Mortal Engines?

Friday, April 7, 2017

What is the filming name of Mortal Engines?

Many movies have working film titles. This is often because the formal title has not yet been decided or used as a diversionary tactic so that the film production isn't charged extra by third parties (simply because they assume big blockbuster films have big budgets) or just to keep fans away from the physical fan locations.

Just as Return of the Jedi was known as Blue Harvest, Mortal Engines has a working title.

We're just not wholly sure what it is.

We do suspect however that it's 'Squeaky Wheels'.

This is due to the email address that was used in the casting call advertisement:


While that could just be a clever reference to the movie, it could well be the title.

Time will tell. 

Update: We're pretty sure Squeaky Wheels is the filming title as we have discovered Peter Jackson has incorporated a company called Squeaky Wheels.

Or, it could be "Hungry City".


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