Stephen Lang suggests Mortal Engines will be a trilogy rather than four films

Sunday, October 28, 2018
stephen lang actor from mortal engines

Peter Jackson and company have made it very clear they hope that with the launch of the Mortal Engines film they are creating a new franchise.

For this to occur, the film needs a big opening, so when online tickets open up, buy too eh?

We have wondered how the sequels would be approached. The last two books are arguably one great big story. And the last book could arguable be broken into two films.

So what's the deal?

Stephen Land, who's playing Shrike, seems to know the good oil on the story:

Currently promoting his famed one man show called, Beyond Glory, Lang spoke briefly of the movie:

"This is a sci-fi film that’s created a unique world from four books by Philip Reeve that will be three movies."

So that's that, three movies is the intention.

I personal had wondered if they could skip Predator's Gold and go straight onto Infernal Devices but the reality is there is so much set up in Predator's Gold, they'd need to do most of it if the last arc of the story is to play out well.

Either way, that last film will need to be four hours long!

Truth is, if this thing turns out to be a juggernaught like Harry Potter, anything could happen.


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